Update The Lex Bot To Use Lambda For Fulfillment

Now that we have a working Lambda function, we can update our Lex bot so that it uses the Lambda function for fulfillment, rather than returning the elicited slot details to the caller.

  1. On the AWS Console in the browser, click Services and type lex and then press enter.
  2. Select TravelBuddyChatBot
  3. Select TravelBuddyCheckFlightsIntent intent if it doesn’t automatically select.
  4. Click Test
  5. Click the settings icon.
  6. In Lambda function - optional section, select TripSearchLexBot function for Source.
  7. Select $LATEST version.
  8. Click Save


  1. In Fulfullment section, expand the On successful fulfillment
  2. Then click Advanced options
  3. Check to Use a Lambda function for fulfillment check box.
  4. Click Update options


  1. Click Actice of Fulfillment section
  2. Click Save intent, then click Build to re-build the your intent


  1. Click Test, enter I want to fly from Melbourne to Sydney to Type a message.
  2. The bot will respond When do you want to fly? Type Tomorrow.
  3. The bot will respond Are you sure you want to find flights to Sydney? Type Yes.
  4. The bot will respond I have 1 flight from Melbourne to Sydney - 1 January 2018 or a similar message - perhaps there is more than one flight available, and perhaps the date is different - populating the DynamoDB table is randomised.
